Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Red Cross and the children's home for orphans at Cleveland, 0. The hostess and her assistants, served luncheon. to members and their children and guests, Mrs. Ida Gibson and Mrs. Janet Harting.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elliott were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr.

and Wayne Mrs. Carey. Clifford Newhouse and sons spent Sunday as guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Fern Draper, in Peoria, Ind.

Mr. and Mrs. Moine Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pattison, and daughter spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Bryant and Mrs. Helen Daseler. and daughter, near Sweetser. Mrs.

Bryant has recently been a patient at a Fort Wayne Mr. hospital. and Mrs. Herman Seeley and Arlene were Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Bartels and son James, and Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Collins: Other guests were Pvt. and Mrs. Collins and Rhetta' Jane: Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Colline and Alta Jane; Harley Collins and Ivan Mr. and. Kilgore. Mrs.

Xen Trodd and son: spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farley and son Mr. and Mrs. Wave Benbow and daughter Jeanette, spent Saturday Muncie as the guests of Mrs.

Richard Benbow. Mrs. Ollie Quafry, Marshall and Kenneth Quarry, Indianapolis, were, Ralph guests Quarry Sunday and at family. the home Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil John and Mrs. Ellen 'ef Mr. John and were Mrs. Sunday Ernest guests Gavin and sons, Roll. Fred Collins, Swayzee, visited Mr.

and Mrs. William Seeley Sunday night. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stookey and Carolyn were Frank -Marine and family.

Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and son. Carolyn spent the weekend with -Glennin Marine: Mr. and Mrs.

Claude Julian were Saturday guests of their daughter, Mrs. Paul Rigsbee and family, Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Petro.

and son were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Martin, Marion. Mr. and Mrs.

Alonzo Hill were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Thode. Mr. and Mrs.

Wayne Carey had a3 supper guests Thursday, Mr. and. Mrs. W. J.

Smith and daughter, Jo: Roseburg. Mrs. Doyte Riggs, Point Isabel, were Friday night guests of Mrs. Mabel John and Mrs. Ellen John.

Ruth Loer son were guests of Mrs. Lizzie, Loser and. Mrs. relatives at Herbst Monday. Mrs.

Lillie Click, Fort Wayne, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Pattison. Dale Petro and family spent Saturday night at the home of John Petro. Mr.

and Mrs. Corda Pattison and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Pattison, all with birthday anniversaries in March, were entertained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs.

Scott Henry and Mrs. Leota Stewart. Mrs. Hazel Jarvis, Mrs. LaVonne Seeley and daughters, were Friday night guests of Mrs.

Asa Highley. Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carey were Mr. and Mrs.

James Tygartt, Banquo; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howell and Mrs. Esta Nesbitt, Marion. Miss Treva Seeley was a guest of Miss Elma Cheney, Marion, Wednesday night at a chili supper.

Several guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lewis, Fairmount, were Wednesday night guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Boswell and children, Mrs. Ella Pattison was 8. guest Wednesday of Mrs. Golda Hungerford. Mr.

and Mrs. Leslie Bradford, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marine and children were guests of Robert Stookey and family, Friday night. Rev.

and Mrs. Avery Miley and sons, Warsaw, were Tuesday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farley and son. Donald Lee Pattison was a weekend guest of his grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Alca Pattison. Monday night guests were Raymond Pattison and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Nesbitt were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Haisley. Ed Aldridge, Elwood. was a guest Monday of Will Thode and family.

DE A 1.13 1.13 Mr. and Mrs. Ora Highley, wide- I 1.73 ly-known Richland township resi1.74 12.93 dents, have moved to the Darl 13.79 Miller farm, about one mile from 13.65 64.77 their former home. Mr. and 4.16 ley had resided on the D.

M. High2.81 42.89 ley farm for 38 years and have 1.75 purchased the Miller- farm for their home. A correspondent of 1.34 The Chronicle-Tribune for many 25.12 years, Mrs. Highley's new tele2.09 2.83 number Converse 59F14. 1,35 Mr.

and Mrs. Orval Mast and 48.641 sot's were guests. Wednesday of 21.21 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker and 4.46 33.85 sons.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Highley son entertained recently Mr. 4.15 Mrs. James McCord and MA, 4.13 and Mrs.

Adolph Haines and son. 2,36 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kratzer 2.36 2.38 and som, were dinner guests Sun9.43 day and Mrs. John Schrock.

1.72 Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. 1.72 Blaine Retz included Mr. 6.79 3.30 and Mrs. Altus Stitts and chil6.80 dren, Fairmount, and 'Mr. and Mrs, 1.46 Lewis Morgan and sons, near 1.50 1.50 Swayzee.

5.13 Mrs. Ira Dawson and Merritt 4.01 Strickler and son, Norman, called 4.01 on. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey.

Neff 4.00 4.02 Sunday. 4.02 and. Mrs. Boyd Toppin and 1.07 son were supper guests Friday 'of 4.02 Dir. and Mrs.

Robert Wolfe and 4.03 7.67 children. Will Windsor is reported seri10.39 ously ill at his home. Recent call17.76 ers Mr. and Mrs. Eldon "and children, Marvin 1.44 Marion, and John 28.72 Woodmansee.

202.92 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powell 1.89 were supper guests Monday of 1.89 Mr. and Mrs. Ora Fansler and 19.40 daughter.

Ronnie Powell is 2.05 2.04 ing this week with his grandpar21.98 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slusser and 51.64 Mrs. Merritt Strickler and son are 51.97 spending several days in St. Elmo, 2.12 Ill.

1.36 2.12 Mrs. Cleve. Rennaker visited 1.36 Monday with Mrs. Charles Crandal 2.12 and daughter and Mrs. Harold 1.36 Slaughter.

Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. 1.36 Woodmansee and children included Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Retz.

the for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolfe and lands. children and Mrs. Walter Kendal and sons.

Acts Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowman and Court of daughter, Mary, Jo, were dinner guests Saturday. of Mrs. Nora Pence, Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. John Russel, Mar121.06 ion, and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve 71.62 naker called on.

Mr. and Mrs: Carl Rennaker and daughter, Nancy. 6 15 Mr. and Mrs. John Cole called on Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Kendall and daughters Sunday. 4.29 Mr. and Warren Renbarger above were guests. Saturday of Miss; provided.

Inez- Highley. the Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Toppin called previous. on Mr.

and Mrs. George Moore 77. Wednesday. Mrs. Julia- Kendall Mrs.

Richland the 4 4 Second Second By EVELYN Man MURRAY CAMPBELL YESTERDAY: Cynthia tells her family that she has been invited to spend the summer with friend in Wisconsin. Much to her surprise they are eager for her to 90. Her faithful Ned however, urges her to marry him and go away on a real honeymoon. Before she, knows it, Cynthia is quarreling with him and hot, bitter words pass. Chapter'3 NED Cynthia stumbled turned off to his -the car door and with hot tears of shame.

"I must be crazy," she told herself. "I'm as not like that. I couldn't be. I hate for saying it and. 1 hate myself talking back.

So this is all I've meant. Just a silly woman playing, at Inside being a the mind door and she collided with a soft body that was Maud avidly evesdropping the quarrel. "Cynthia, aren't you ashamed?" She hissed softly with no shame on her part for open spying. "You haven't had a woman's life since Fred passed on. The bills would have been paid some way if you had stayed home with your house and your children.

Cynthia shut her door and turned the light. The blue satin puff on the bed stirred and Edri3 sat up blinking, between plaits of pale "Oh, mother, I want to sleep with you. When you go away it'll be so lonely. Do you think Mrs. Holt would mind very much if you brought me with Cynthia's anger faded with the soft arms around her neck.

What more did she need than her three? They were enough fullment. But what a beast Ned had been to say, that she was one of those horrid females who had to have a man in her life to be really happy! HOLT used her lakeside cottage as a retreat when money was scarce or an affair of the heart went wrong. She was thinking out the details of her third divorce she told Cynthia the first evening. Wisconsin was such a wonderful place to think in. Her mind would be perfectly clear in much less than a month and she Blaine Retz called on Mrs.

Reed Oyler Dinner recentlests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ora, Highley included Esick Burk, Glen Highley, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Burk and son and Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Highley and son. Recent callers were Mrs. Lawrence Guenin and son, Mrs. Glen Highley, Mr.

and Mrs. W. N. Spurgeon, Mr. and.

Mrs. Kenneth Kratzer and son, Henry Highley and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whitlock and children. Mr.

and Mrs. Bernard Deford and son were recent callers. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Slusser.

Mrs. Emory Dill and Mrs. Boyd Topping Slusvisited Mr. and Robert ser Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Bowman and daughter were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelsay and children. Mrs, John P.

Rennaker was dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Rennaker. Pvt. Lowell Oyler was home.

to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Highley and granddaughter were dinner guests Sunday of Henry Highley and W.

N. Spurgeon. Mr. and Mrs. John Cole were callers.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brinker and sons entertained for dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner and daughters and Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Wolfe and children. Mrs. Gerald Powell and sans, Peru, were dinner guests of Mr. and Drs.

John Woodmansee Saturday. Callers were M. D. Foland, Marion, and Mrs. Eldon Woodmansee, Mrs.

and Fred daughter, Lantz, Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kratzer son visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Winnie Miller and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Highley were supper guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs.

Marion Burk and son. Selective Service Classifications 14-Available for military service. objector, available tor non-combatant service. 1-C-Members of land naval forces disconnected from setive service. supporting national health ty interest.

Man 1p wat production. cC 3D-Man Man in deferred agriculture reston of extreme hardship. 4A-Man deferred by reason deferred by not acceptable (D--Minister of religion student. objector, araliable for work of national importance. mentally or morally antit.

When is added to other classifications indicates the registrant is unacceptable for service for the last reasons bat goallice for ether classification alse. LOCAL BOARD NO. 2. Classified March 12, 1943 1A Joseph O. Himelick.

Joseph E. Jack: son, Gerald L. Snyder. Thurman G. Shaw, Elmer E.

Matthews, Herbert A. Howell, Charlie C. Clouse, Melvin H. Allman, FredPrick Hant, 1 Raymond McManamad. Richard D.

Briggs. Herman Shook. Grant W. Richey, Dale N. Pence.

Ned B. Lawrence R. Garrisod, Glen w. Stanley, David A. Himelick, Harold L.

Kirkpatrick. Eugene Spencer, Cary M. Frost, Raymond Whybrew, Robert Himelick. Loren L. Thurman, Delbert Embry, L.

Rice. James F. Hodupp, George C. Charles W. Smith, Alva D.

Korporal, Roy E. McCracken. Edmond A. Johnson, Robert 1 C. Meredith Beanie L.

Lynn, Joseph T. Williams, Waldon V. Kurtz, Jerry A. Loy, Robert L. Dice, Joe D.

Haynes, Richard Lostutter, Wilbur A Bole, Robert H. Hickman, Harold B. Poe. Don T. Richcreek.

-Leonard F. Madigan, Homer D. Carter, Willard Mann, Vaughn D. Shields, Edgar B. Smith, James Davis, Ralph E.

Reed. L. Virgil Joy. Verlin. M.

Harter, 140-Mart W. Jr. Harvey L. Vernon W. Marshall.

2B-Ira D. Mayo, Martin 8. Clark, Glen D. Burton, Robert M. Thompson, Kenneth L.

Brown. Raymond O. Manning. Melvin C. Barkdull, LeRoy Lee.

Delbert Swartz, Thomas W. Little, Paul E. Banmbauch Herwood G. McCracken, Carl' O. Daugher- W.

Warren, Willard ty. Stott, kenneth H. Leach. James Miller, Forrest La Pierson, 1 Fred Felton, Noah Marion, Indiana, 1945 Jones Chapel Mr. and Mrs.

Dale Petro were hosts to the Loyal Leader class Friday night at their home. Lester Boswell presided and the meeting was opened by group singing of hymns. Mrs. Petro gave devotions Vonne Pattison Was in charge, of entertainment. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ruth The Willing Workers Class were entertained Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Claude Julian with Mrs. Claude Maple as assistant hostess. Hazel Jarvis presided and La Von-.

ne Steel led group, singing. Mra. Mabel John prayer and devotions on an Easter theme. Mrs. Della Ray was in charge of entertainment, During business session donations were made to the 3 DELINQUENT TAX LIST The following is the list of lands and lots and delinquent for taxes and notice is hereby given that said lands and lots will be sold at Public Auction.

Said sale will be held under Section 2, Chapter 224 of the Acts of the General Assembly, 1941, which provides in part: "No real estate shall be cold by the County Treasurer until fifteen months shall have elapsed after any such installment shall have become delinquent." sale shall be the South door of the Court House in Marion, Indiana on the second Monday of April, same being the 9th day of month, commencing 10 o'clock A. M. and wi', continue day to day thereafter until all are sold. Total Amt. NAME DESCRIPTION Taxes Section Township Range Acres suipaipunn Due Cts.

of VAN BOREN CORPORATION Preble, Elizabeth T. B. Doyles Add. MATTHEWS Miller, Minnie Orig. Town 11 1.21 Reeve, David Town 37 23.27 Miller.

Minnie Orig. Town 13 1.88 Reeve, David Town, 1.27 CENTER TOWNSHIP Payne, Paul Wilcutt's Add. all bat 10 16. FAIRMOUNT TOWNSHIP Borrey, William J. W.

N. W. 1 0 39 88 58.62 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP Beck, Fannie Pt. W. 8.

W. 30'24' 7 2.05 Wiley, William H. M. J. Add.

1 12 GREEN TOWNSHIP John. Ann W. 8. F. N.

W. 10, 16.28 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP Bannon, Mary Independence 2.30 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP Dillman, Carroll P. Elat D. N. N.

E. 0 Ti Gadbury, Ernest 0. 6. E. 22: 9 50: 65.94 Marlin, Ara W.

N. W. 23 33: -Spencer Hogan Co W. N. W.

16 23' 44.43 MILL TOWNSHIP Fornabell. Bessie 5. E. Cor. E.

N. E. 25 24 8 .13.03 Richards, Mark -Cleo A. Jay's Add. 1 All but Northeide triangle East mid.

Pt. RICHLAND TOWNSHIP Lenon, Basil H. Sadie Park Converse 38 19.97 MARION IN CENTER Bovie, Martha F. Geo. W.

Steele's 2nd. Add. 25 Bovie, Martha E. W. Steele': 2nd.

Add. 20 34.62 Carey, Daniel M. McKinney': D. R. McKinner.

Jr. Sub. Carry, Daniel M. McKinney': Add, D. R.

McKinner, Jr. Bub. 48' 2 Carry, Daniel McKinney D. R. McKinney, Jr.

Sub. Carey, Daniel M. McKinney': D. R. McKinney, Bub.

501... Clark, James M. Dorothy Raridens Add. (151 Denton, Walter Dean Winchel's West Bide Add. 41 Eakins, Hilda Grace Julia Louise HoltsclawPilchers 1614 It.

8. Pt. 6 Pilchers 18x41 ft. N. E.

Cor. Pitchers 22x91 Fisher, Virginia 31x35 ft. S. W. 21 Fowler, James- E.

Nettie, Webster Winchel'n Add. 1123 Orttys, Mary. Bowlin Webster Irvin's Add. Green, Curtis As Gracie. Webster Irvin's Sub.

Lots 3-71 Green, Curtis Gracie. Webster Irvin's Sub. Lots 3-7 Green, Curtis Gracie, Webster Irvin's Sub. Lots 6 141.10 Griffin, James Tharp Hocketts Add. 3 Griffin, James Tharp Rocketts Add.

4 Orons, Badie O. ft. W. End N. Side 211..

Haines, John 8. Ruth Wigger Pence's 4th Add. 44. Haines, Ruth R. Wigger Pence's 4th Add, 36 Houser.

B. A. C. A. Add.

9, Jefferson. Garrett Webster Winchel's Add. Jullus, Robert W. Dead's 2nd Add. 1103 Julius, Robert L.

B. Dodd's End Add. Julius, Robert L. W. B.

Dodd's 2nd. Add. Julius. Robert L. W.

B. Dodd's 2nd Add. Kirder Geo. M. J.

W. Tortence, Wigger Pence's 4th Add. 83 MARION IN CENTER Little, Hannah Winchel's 3rd. Add. (380 Mullenix.

John. E. Mary Geo. W. Steele's 2nd Add.

88' McElfresh. Bessie I. Pence's 4th! Add. 37 Owen, Meta Strele de Geo. W.

Steele, Jr. Hays Add. Owen, Meta Steele Geo W. Steele, Jr. Hays Add.

1163 Owen, Meta Steele Geo. W. Steele, Jr. Add. Owen, Meta Steele Geo.

Steele, Jr. Add. Owen, Meta Steele Geo W. Steele, Jr. Hays Add.

1190 Owen, Meta Steele Geo. Steele, Jr. Hays Add. Owen, Meta Steele Geo W. Steele Jr.

Hays Add. Owen, Meta Steele Gen. W. Steele Jr. Hays Add.

13051. Owen, Meta Steele Geo. W. Steele. Jr.

Add. 315' Russell. Mary J. Webster Winchel's Add. 95 Shugart.

Pearl J. W. B. Dodds 2nd Add. 1135 Smith, Ernest T.

Wm. B. Dodds 1st Add. 1 Turner, Wilbur South Park- Add. Walters, Harold W.

Verlee Ethel Part Add. (204 Walters, Harold W. Verlee Ethel Park Add. E. 203: Weaver, Sarah J.

Knight Overmans Add. 8 10' Wells, Jacob M. S0th St. Add. GAS CITT CORPORATION Byrkit, Martha C.

L. 2nd Add. 1434 Davis, Robert J. Mary Ann C. L.

2nd Add. 1261... Davis, Robert J. Mary Ann C. L.

7nd Add. Davis. Robert J. Mary Ann C. L.

Ind Add. Jacks, Virginia G. 2nd Add. E. Side 17 ft, Jacks, Virginia G.

C. Ind Add. 57 0 Linn, John P. L. 1st Add.

225 McCollum Hubert Hubert de Vera Vera G. C. C. L. L.

1st 1st. Add. 104. 11 MARION IN. FRANKLIN Arabright, John W.

Krinns Add. Arabright, John W. Add, Arabright, John Add. Bowman, Loval A. Tressa M.

Western Park Add. 1. 171.... Bowman, Loral A. Tressa M.

Westera Park 18 Cooper, James Add. Cooper, James Monroe Add. Pinfrock, Robert Nea! Add. Finfrock, Neal Add. 1199 Hardin, Harley F.

Hill's Add. 22 Marshall, Mae Park Lynn Add. Marshall, Mae Lynn Add. 10 Martin, John P. Lynn Add.

1113 Martin, John Lynn Add, ,114 Martin, John P. Lynn Add. 1115:.. Prows, Theodore Add. Roye.

Elizabeth Rill Add. 26 Roye, Elizabeth Forrest HIll Add. Roye, Elizabeth Hill Add. 1 28 Roye, Elizabeth Forrest RIll Add. 29 Rove; Elizabeth Rill Add.

30' Roye, Elizabeth Hin Add. Roye, Elizabeth Hill. Add. Rose. Elizabeth HIll Add.

33 Schwarts, Joseph et al, M. Est. co's Sub. Dir. 569-570 21 FAIRMOUNT CORPORATION -Felton, Harry et Add, 4125' Haines, Lee M.

Josephine I. Allen Dillon's 1st Add. (122 Pea reedy I. Imp: ist Pearson, Thomas E. Letta M.

G. Imp. 1st Add. 1 West, Wilbur L. Myrtle UPLAND CORPORATION Brokaw, Luther, Etta G.

Add. Ellison, Harold University Add. Ellison, Harold P. Add. Ellison.

Harold University -Add. 1145 Feemster, Alonzo, R. L. 1st Add. Feemster, Alonzo R.

L. 1st Add. Lighty, Delbert 1st Add. 32 JONESBORO CORPORATION Henschen, Elliott H. Add.

Simons, W. J. Diss B. Add. Simons, Disi B.

Gulicks Add. Simons, W. J. Disa B. Add.

Simons, W. J. Diss B. Gulicks Add. Simone, Disa B.

Gulicks Add. Himons, J. Disa B. Gulicks Add. 18 Simons, J.

Disa R. Gulicks Add. Simons, Disa B. Add. 22 Simons, Simons, W.

J. DiRe B. Add. LIST NUMBER TWO The following is the l'at of lands and lots. returned and remaining delinquent taxes.

The said list of lands and lots is being advertised and offered for sale for second consecutive year for delinquent taxes and notice is hereby riven that said and lots will be sold' at Public Auction. Said sale will be held under the provisions of Section Chapter 224 of the of the General Assembly 1941. This sale will be held at the South door of the House in Marion: Indiana. on the second Monday of April, same being the 9th day said month. commencing at 10:00 o'clock A.

M. and will continue day to day thereafter until the 3rd day of Deeember. 1945. MARION IN CENTER Shugart, Juanita P. 2nd Add.

63' Shugart, Juanita W. B. Dodds Ind Add. Williams, Hall's- 154, MARION IN FRANKLIN Murphy, Lizzie Ellen Add. JONESBORO CORPORATION Nicodemus, Isaac Park Add.

204. Nicodemus, Isaac. Part Add. I. Verlie Mills.

Auditor for and within said do bereby certify the foregoing to be a list of the delmquent lands and lots which to be sold as for in aforementioned Act which said lands and lots were returned delinquent by Treasurer- of. said County for- non-payment of- taxes for the years 1943 and VERLIE MILLS. 4 of' 'Grant 17, 14, 31, 1945. REVIVAL SERVICES TO OPEN AT BANQUO Rev. Duncan McColl, Huntington, will begin 8 series.

of revival services Sunday which will be held each day at 7:45 p.m. at Banquo Christian Church. Rev. McColl is a district evangelist of the Christian Church. His subject will be "President Garfield's Statement." In conjunction with this opening service, Rev.

Richard D. Frazier, Indiana field executive of the Bible Meditation League of Columbus, 0., present "Life to a Foxhole" and pictures on the "De Day Invasion" and "Salute to Our Navy." The Bible Meditation League distributes Bibles, testaments, gospels, and Bible study material to the men- and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Court Minutes 1 SUPERIOR COURT Blanche E. Harrold, et al vs. Robert S.

Jones, et al. Partition. Commissioners deed is reported and approved. Leona Timmons vs. Virgil Timmons.

Divorce. Cause is taken under advisem*nt. Louella May McGriff vs. Harold E. McGriff.

Divorce. Application for suit and support submitted and defendant ordered to pay clerk $15 per week for support and $40 by April-16 for use of plaintiff's attorney. Costs against defendant. Freda Boots vs. William Marion Boots.

Divorce. Application for suit and support money submitted and defendant is ordered to pay clerk $40 by April 15 for use of plaintiff's attorney, and court costs. Ralph L. King v8. Emmalee King.

Divorce. Verified application by defendant for order for suit and support money filed. Hearing set March 22. Louise Endsley vs. Delmar Endsley.

Divorce. Verified application for temporary restraining order against defendant without notice filed, submitted and ordered as set out in written order now filed, Ap-1 plication by plaintiff for order for suit and support money filed. Hearing set March 23. Notice ordered. know what -to do' Roger.

There was no doubt but that she already knew and that the question was merely of ways and means. to make the best settlement. hadn't changed through the years. Her face was soft and guileless and the knowledge in her eyes was captivating and impish. have you managed?" she asked with her droll little grin.

"About marrying, I With your looks and the money, make you must awfully clever. One is so apt to be sunk with men as they are. I shan't do it again for ages-but that doesn't Miean twelve years. You're monastic, Cynthia, and it frightens me. Is it contagious?" Cynthia laughed.

"Not contagious," she said. "You have to be born that There were always men where Anne was and dinner at the Inn presented one or two rather nice ones. Husbands, of course, and college boys on vacation and the dinner and dancing was pleasanter than it was at home in her own rather stodgy circle. Thinking it over as she undressed she decided that it was because her partners had been younger than Anne and herself. Anne clever.

She amused herself with -her juniors but married older ones. "You dropped years tonight," she said dreamily. "Try and drop some more tomorrow. The Winslow lad, will help you, I imagine." "Lad?" Cynthia turned around, forgetting to brush. She was shocked.

Is he as young as that?" shrugged. "You can be 8 lassie if you want to. course Carey, isn't pretend a lad that but he he is. It's knows a system the play system just having fun. You can forget all about the insurance business if you let Carey show you how." Cynthia in a turquoise bathing suit with her hair loose about her face let Carey Winslow show her how to play, yet it was nothing but looking at her half closed eyes, a look she hadn't seen for centuries, it seemed.

NNE sat cross legged on the foot of the bed and watched Cynthia brush her hair. Reports' From Service Men Lt. Richard Farlewine has informed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earlewine, 224 North Washington street, that the cruiser on which he as chief.

radar officer carried President Roosevelt and representatives of the United' States on the 14,000 ence. Due to the secrecy that journey to the Crimean Conferstill covers the important meeting, Lt. Earlewine was unable to give details of the spectacular trip. He said he especially enjoyed the colorful pageant created when the President was visited by King Ibn Saud of Arabia, who brought along his royal entourage -even the royal flock goats which were slaughtered to provide meat for the king's table. survivor of the ill-fated U.

S. S. Helena, sunk in the first battle of Kula Gulf, Lt. Erlewine is now on duty in the Pacific. Ensign Don C.

Overman is spending a 10-day leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Overman, 802 West Seventh street. Pvt. Paul Watson is stationed in the Philippines.

Friends may obtain his address from his wife, Lavonne, who lives in Fairmount. Sgt. Vaughn Turner. who has been overseas 15 months, is now in the British Isles. Mrs.

Turner is living with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bonham, R. R.

1. Pvt. Kenneth L. Boles, serving with the U. S.

Marine Corps in the Pacific area, has written to his mother, Chaney Boles, 1530 West Fourth street, telling of visiting an extinct crater. He told of a building on the rim of the. crater in which soldiers had written their names on the walls, and he said he found an Adams from Marion listed Jack E. Kilty, who is stationed in France, has been promoted to technician fourth grade, according to word received by his wife, Mrs. street.

Friends may obtain his Rebab Kilty, 1529 West Fourth address by calling 2005-J. Corp. Orry S. Embree is spending 21-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

William -5. Cpl. Embree. has served-26 months at air base; in the South Atlantic. Before entering the armed service he WAS employed by the Anaconda Wire and Cable Co.

Rex E. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P.

Thompson, Herbst, has completed his training at Enid Army Air Field, Enid, and recently was appointed a. flight officer in the air force. Corp. David R. Hill was recently promoted to his present grade according to word received here.

He participated in the valiant stand made in Belgium and Luxembourg during the Nazi offensive. The action of the unit. to which he is assigned is credited with having prevented a complete breakthrough by the enemy and having saved vital centers of supply and communication. Corp. Hill is the husband of Mrs.

Betty Louise Hill, R. R. 3. Pvt. Claude Carter is now serv.

ing in Philippines according to word received by his wife, who lives -on R. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Carter, Jonesboro.

Pvt. Floyd R. Bowman has been called home from Camp Howze, to the serious illness of his mother, Mra: Lewis Cole, 2513 South-Washington- street. Evans: "Joseph Ryan, Vaugha Cummings, Harold B. Couch.

1C- Elmer J. Marley, Bert H. Lake. 4P-Flyn Banter, Edward A Koughn. "Tell me about yourself," he said.

"Not your mother or your grandfather. Yourself." The way he said it meant that nobody else in the world mattered; Cynthia blushed and discovered that she couldn't talk about herself though it had never been difficult She was ineradicably mixed with the insurance business, the, children and Aunt Maud and after her companion had so thoroughly scotched her family as topic. wild horses couldn't have made her mention them. At first she had been a little awkward, not knowing how to speak his language but she got over that. He knew how to make her feel young and gay and foolish with his extravagancies which became so real when he said them.

CAREY had a lithe brown body, agile as a whippet, polished by sun and water. He had very white teeth in a lean dark face and keen dark eyes that saw everything. But none of this was what really counted. He could be a man and a boy and she was never quite sure where one began and the other ended. "I must be mad," she said to her burning cheeks when she saw them in the But she wasn't mad and before long stopped telling herself that she was.

Everything was fun. The best was canoeing over to the island and cooking breakfast with Carey -Anne wouldn't get up in hus- the morning, not even for a new band. Carey was expert at whatever he and in twenty minutes his freshly caught fish were in the bacon pan. He knew how to make a perfect camp meal and only ordered Cynthia about occasionally. For the most part she sat hugging knees, just watching him, hair that gleamed in the sun and the quick flash of his eves that turned unexpectedly to her and caught her looking.

She called it fun but it was happiness as she had never known happiness. It was a drug that bemused her senses until she lived in a dream. To he continsed LaFontaine LaFontaine, March Mr. and Mrs. Milo Waggoner and son moved Monday into the Claude Sutton property.

Pfc. Joseph McVicker is home from Camp Butner, S. on a 12- day furlough, visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jack McVicker. and family.

The Thursday Bridge club met with Mrs. Gilbert Clark recently. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Don Kelly and Mrs. Russell Walters.

Those present were Mrs. Clarence Stuber, Drs. Orville Ramsey, Mrs. Max Martin, Mrs. Lola Miller, Mrs.

Ben Blood, Mrs, Charlotte Green, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Walters. The Women's Society of Christian Service of Methodist church will meet Wednesday with Mrs.

William Silvers. Mrs. Estella Logan will lead devotions and Mrs. Gail Nichols will present the lesson topic, "The Three Suits Filed Louise Endsley vs. Delmar Endsley.

Divorce. Pack' and Van Eseltine. Gristol F. Baldwin vs. Iva L.

Baldwin. Divorce. George M. Coon. KILLED ON HIGHWAY Jeffersonville, March 16.

(AP) -Charles Vest, route 3, Madison, was killed on road 62 near here. Thursday when he attempted cross the highway. He was hit by an automobile andknocked into the path of a truck. He was about 38 years old. DIES OF INJURIES Elwood, March 16.

(AP)Injuries suffered two weeks. ago when he was hit by an automobile while crossing a highway east of Elwood resulted in the death last night of Francis H. 66. Goss had been employed. as night fireman in a greenhouse.

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Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.