The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)

18-The Mioulian, Saturday. December 23, 1972 0000000 62 Residential Property 62 Residential Property m0000w0000000000 62 Residential Property 64 Mobile, Modular Hornet 93 Antiques 0000000000000001 104 Miscellaneous 001000000000000000 S6 Commercial Property 103 Wont to Buy m0000m0f0m0000 illespieM Klrby Vacuum Sales, Service New and umd cleaners Also, the only shag rug vacuum 255 Was! Front, I4J-820I On and one-half acres with over 400 teat of frontage on US 93 South. A well located commercial property, Terms are available. For Information, call Bill Coffee at Home Realty, 721-3600 or 549 5452, 00000000t000000t 68 Real Estate Wanted 00000000000i HAVE buyers lor acreage In Blackfoot vasty YOUR LOW PROF IT MOBILE HOME DEALER Westana Mobile Homes Highway lowest 721-2360 ROOF sealing, skirting, general repair; Harry's Mobile Home Service, 549-7097. 1969 I24I MOBILE home, excellent condition, carpeting, draies, appliances, large 10x10 ulllitiy shed, sell lor reasonable otter, 728 9477 12x50 BUDDY mobile home, 2-bedroom, ceipetlng, air conditioner, very good condition, 728-2499.

SEVERAL brass beds, tingle and double, hand polished, SI2S ea 549 7254, 1776 ANTIQUES 211 North Higgins 549-5092 MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our friends snd customers, from JEAN'S ANTIQUES. RANDY'S Rock Shop, custom faceting, antiques, gifts; 700 S. 3rd 104 Miscellaneous 0000000000000001 Multiple Listing Member 721 21.14 PATTEE CANYON, I acres. 3 bed rooms. Iireplaca.

$29,500 GRANT CREEK. 3i acres 1 bed room i $25,000 SUNSET LANE, 1 acre. Jt2 bed rooms, 2 fireplaces. $49 950 KENSINGTON, 22 bedrooms. $JJ 500.

PARKVIEW WAY. 3 bedrooms tire place. $78,500 EAST 6th, 2t3 bedrooms, fireplace $28,500 SIX MILE 1752 Acres BLACK FOOT $650 to $800 per A Call us to see our many Missoula Homes MaxineKegley 549-39J5 JoeTopel 549-2722 Larry Topel $42-260 Bill Bush 728-2836 WOODS 2nd HAND We need used furniture, tools, guns, household items, or miscellaneous. 543-5896 will get you the best price, selling or buying! Featuring Ice skates, tire chains. l00000000000000t 107 Auction! 0000000000000001 AUCTION every Saturday, 12 Noon; Gardner Auction Barn, Hamilton, MT.

ANEW YEAR IS ABOUT TO BEGI Nl Sell Out The Old and Start A-New I 4 Auction Service, 728-1723. There will be no auctions In December but open for consignments, buying and selling; Action Auction, 1359 Cedar, 728-9987. REGULAR Sale every Frl. at 6:30. Antiques, glassware, guns, tools, appliances, furniture.

All consignments welcome. If you have Items to sell, call 549-2451, Western Village, East Missoula VAN OSTRAND AUCTION SERVICE 508 E. Railroad and E. Spruce Missoula, Mt. 728-9650, 273-6766 Resldent-Farm-Ranch-Consignmenl Bonded for your protection Sales Every MataMad' ealty Co.

MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBER 721 W. CENTRAL SANTA CLAUS SPECIAL: Lovely 3 bedroom home with fireplace and chimney for Santa. The full basem*nt has 2 mora bedrooms and a bath. Double garage. It it vacant and thtr is still time to move In for Christmas Only $29,000 NEED A 3 CAR GARAGE? This large family home has 4 i I bedrooms, I i baths, 2 family rooms.

Indoor berbeque and many other fine features Southside location for only 133,000. QUICK AND EASY Assume the large loan and move Now vacant, this 3-bedroom home Is located on 34th Street Owner Is anxious and has reduced the pr Ice to S23, 000 tor a quick sale DESPERATE OWNER Has been transferred and has moved. Beautiful 3 bedroom home with a fine view. Many extras. Owner will listen to any reasonable offer.

Low down payment Priced at $32,000. PHONE 543-8249 RuebenTietj 549-2239 Cynthia Bryan 543-8554 Bobbl Murray 543-3682 Jim Collins 549-7617 Ruth Lang 549-4385 Dale Gillespie 549-2223 Agency Inc. HOLIDAYS are always happier in a new home, especially in this 3-Bedroom rancher with a massive Master Bedroom suite, indirect lighted living room with fireplace, patio and a low interest loan to assume 129,000. START THE NEW YEAR out right by moving into this spacious home with a fireplace, family room, full basem*nt, clean hot water heat, double garage and priced under replacement cost at NEW YEAR NEW HOME. Just completed and ready for a family to en-ioy tor years to come.

Octagonal Living Room with floor-to-ceiling antique brick fireplace adjoined by a gentlemen's bar, altording access into a bright cheery Mediterranean kitchen, all set apart from 4 bedrooms including a giant master bedroom suite and 2 baths. See it. $39,500. CHRISTMAS BELLS on Bellecrest Drive will bring joy to your family in this 3-Bedroom, l' Bath home featuring the best In everything 2 Fireplaces, water softener, fenced back Many extras. Call to see this one.

36, 500. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT 728-9410 MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBER For Sale By Owner Immediate occupancy, ideal location -near Sentinel and Lewis and Clark schools. Spacious living room, 4 3 baths 12 up, 1 down), family room 13x33, 2 fireplace, cheery kitchen with lots of built-ins, attached double garage. Price $31,500. 549-7156 for app't.

Schatz P.O. Bon PH 543 3554 It ACRES, near Missoula. 2-bedroom house, garage end shed, only $10,000 SOUTHWEST, coiy 2 bedroom home, good condition, garage, palm large yard, all fenced. 115,500, term LARGE (emily home, 3 bedrooms, plus beauty shop, oversued double garage, rear lenced yard, $26,000 30 ACRES, partly timbered, 2 hous-(l, barn, trailer, hookup, natural gav $55,000 HURRY' Jane Moore, 549-6860, Herb or Lillian Schati, Broken. AGENCY INC 225 Won Broadway, 549 2323 FHA Gi loan! Available Multiple Luting Member CHOICE AREA l-bedroom home with lireplate and garage Additional bedroom and bath In lull basem*nt.

Corner location in Wash Ington School area Only 1,16,750 NEW HOME Built in one of our best living areas. Family room and utilities on mam floor. Double garage Yard and street all in, no SIO's. Let us show you this home We'll take your present home In trade 139 500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION See this choice 3-bedroom home, t'a baths, full basem*nt and garage Located in Lewis and Clark area Will sell at appraised price of $24,750 VIEW- SPACE. TOO Well constructed and planned family home Ideal kitchen, 2 fireplaces, 5 bedrooms, plus den.

Dishwasher. Double garage. Assumable tow interest loan. 131,500. MOVE UP To one of the finest 4 or 5-bedroom homes in Missoula Ail new area, quiet streets and park Close to grade and high schools 154,500 QUIET STREET Two new homes nearing completion Double garages, 3 bedrooms, full basem*nts.

Buy one now and pick your own carpets. 127,900 and $26,900. SPACIOUS 4-bedroom family home Formal uining room plus breakfast area and main floor utilities 3 additional bedrooms, den, lamily room and bath in full basem*nt. Many extras. Call to see this one.

549-2323 13,. I Ogg 549-3962 KenStaninger 549-5804 Glenna McEvoy 543-6316 Jim Lovell 549-8051 Helen Jcakins 549-3959 O. A Sokoloski 543-7925 OOAK BEALTY No I Gtaiei Dine Lolo Monlono S184 DAii 6401 fVlNING 111 7700 Multiple luting Membei Happy Holidays! We have a good selection of choice acreage. Also, brand new homes ready for Immediate occupancy. An unbelievable 5 down is all it takes.

Call us soon for the best buy in Missoula. Quality Homes by Joseph New homes, garages, remodeling. Take a look at our floor plans. We have a plan for you! 543-8933. 728-3600 Multiple Listing Bureau TRAILER OWNERS Nicely remodeled, two-bedroom home in East Missoula on large lot with trailer hook-up.

Rent your trailer and live In the home free. Listed price, $14,250.00. Call Jim Saban, 728-3600 or 258-6932. VIEW HOME! Bi-level, fully carpeted with three bedrooms, large living room with fireplace and formal dining room on the main floor. Lower level has a finished family room with fireplace and a utility room with a roughed-in bath.

Priced to sell at $30,500.00. Call Sam North-ey, 728-1347 or 728-3600. SELLER VERY ANXIOUS! Beautiful 'a-acre lot with two views. Tri-level home with fireplace, three bedrooms, patio and large sun deck and a den. Quality built, 11 years 9 cents NEWSPAPER END ROLLS, good for table covers, signs, ll'l doodlers, rug protectori, painting, masking, Inq Mlssoulian Circulation, SEE OUR USED APPLIANCES ESTES MAYTAG STORE 211 WEST BROADWAY; 9437932 'TIS THE SEASON for winter sports funl Give the Scorpion snowmobile for Chrlslmasl Set them today at Missoula Cycle Sales, III Burlington, 949-0014.

GRUNDIG floor speakers, like new; 542-2914. KEEP your carpets beautiful despite constant footsteps of a busy family. Get Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer Western Auto, Holiday Village. MONTY'S FURNITURE Always good selection of used home furnishings, appliances and misc.

Items, 3rd Higgins; 721-1120 ONE set of white gold Start Ire Keepsake diamond wedding rings, size S'A, valued at $200, asking $79 or best offer; 721-9142. G.E. 40" coppertone electric rang with double oven, G.E. 15 cu. It.

coppertone refrlg.and freezer; $150 each; 721-9347. SOFA, chair, dinette, dresser, end fa-bles, VW tire and wheel; 949-8845. SINGER TOUCH'N'SEW sewing machines traded In from schools. Big savings. Priced from $69, terms available; Singer Sewing Center, 228 North Higgins.

CAMP'S CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK CLEANER. It worksl OK Trading 1701 S. 5th W. 2 ACCORDI AN metal sliding doors, 4x8' pool table; Western Vending, 542-0337. 4 PIECE used dark poster bedroom set; large chrome dinette, 6 chairs; wooden kitchen table, 4 chairs; dining room set with needlepoint chairs and matching buffet; cheap used sectionals and davenports; used full sized springs and mattresses; lots of coffee and end tables; good Admiral upright freezer, 3 years old; Phllco refrigerator; Whirlpool washer; also new Items, reduced discounted prices tor Christmas such as maple bedroom set; maple dining room set; bookcase headboard bunk beds and poster bunk beds.

ACTION AUCTION STORE, 1359 Cedar, 721-9987. RESTAURANT booths for sale 549-9903, The Shack. GUAR, washers, dryers, refirgerators, freezers, ranges, parts; 8, Used Appliance 900 N. Russell, 543-4621. FURNITURE Buy direct, no middle man, new 4-draw-er chests, S14.95 and up; desks, $10 95 and up; 1712 River Road, closed Fridays at 3 p.m.

and all day Saturdays. UPHOLSTERY closeout, new shipment lust in, save up to 50; 549-1102, George Stevens Manufacturing 707 Ronan BLACK and white portable TV, $45; 543-7980. PICTURE framing Is a specialty with us! Rely on our custom work I ANACONDA BUILDING MATERIALS, 800 S. 3rd 542-2125. 1 PAIR lady's ski boots, size 7N, never been worn, $45; 1 pair skis with Miller bindings and poles, fits 5' to 5'4" skier; lady's electric shaver, exc.

543-4036. WANT TO BUY Old furniture. Your unk may be lust what I want. Please call 549-2424. DE-ICER, better than salt, doesn't track In, no damage to concrete.

LIVESTOCK PX-STOCKYARDS RENT everything for your holiday parties from UNITED-RENT ALL, 3900 Brooks, 542-0339. TIRE CHAINS, 8.25-14, used, good, H.D. bumper lack, '59-'60 Cad seat covers, unused, green, kitchen exhaust fan, $10; 543-8637. 8-TRACK G.E. tape deck, almost new; 10-speed bike; zlg zag sewing machine, good condition, skils and boots, child's and adult's; 549-3119.

IF YOU'RE an "At Home" handyman, and you need reference material on the spot OFFICE SUPPLY CO. offers a wide selection of technical sublects on carpentry, welding, plumbing, auto repairs, and others. 115 W. Broadway, 543-4281. 105 Want to Buy WANT 6" metal turning lathe, Atlas or Sears; 549-4221.

CLEAN, used Imports and domestic cars wanted; Missoula Imports, Highway 93 South. CALL us for highest prices on used furniture, tools, salable Items, consign, buy outright; Action Auction, 728-9987. WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furniture, tools, household items, guns, fishing equipment. FOR TOP PRICES circle'square 2nd Hand Store 519 N. Higgins Ph.

549-3512 Wl LL pay up to $500 cash to private party for large old oak china closet, curved or square glass. Must be In good condition; 1-826-3209, Plains, Montana. WE NEED furniture, guns, and wood heaters, saddles, power tools, hand tools, miscellaneous household Items. For service fair prices, call Paul's 2nd Hand, 549-8031, 128 W. Alder.

The ITUssoutian mo APPLIANCE USEDAPPLIANCESiTV's Quality Checked and Reconditioned 728-3800 2204 Regent TWO Better Sight floor lamps, excellent condition, $7 50 each; 549-2201. AL'S SALES Unique pine dining room set with two china hutches, marble top wash stand, hand-caned chairs, wooden leather chairs under $22, pump organ and piano organ; 343 W. Front, 549-0822. DELICIOUS Hand-Dipped chocolates tor sale; 543-6563, 549-7188. SET of Vanguard fire alarms (exc.

for mobile home protection), 21" girls bike, exc. set of starter golf clubs w-bag and cart, set of 7ICM Cortina skis w-Marker bindings, size 42 double breasted tux; 549-1166. POLLUTION SOLUTION Basic Shaklee Products; 543-6808. BIG SKY FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY Christmas Specials: hide-a bed was $225, sale price $185; sofa and chair was $493, will sell for $300; recllner was $160, sale price, $100. Route 3, Bitterroot Road, 549-6722.

STANDARD size electric Underwood typewriter; 549-1576. LANDRY'S VACUUM SERVICE services all makes of vacuums, $6.95 plus parts, we also sell new and rebuilt Hoovers at low prices. See at 131 Kensington; 542-2908. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 10-gallon, all glass starter kit, 10-gallon deluxe kit, all glass, stainless steel hood, $18.95. Tropical Aquariums, 1629 S.

Ave. 549-6221. MOVING SALE: 2001 River Road. Antiques, guns, snowmobile, 3 Yamahas, 2 Hondas, toys new and used, saddles, bikes, bridles, new carpet, hand and power tools, furniture, household items, glassware, Avon bottles, freezer, co*ke machine, cash register. Hundreds of items too numerous to mention; 543-4212.

NEW stainless steel kitchen sinks, 2-compartment, new toilets, 40-gallon water heater, plastic pipe and fittings, 20 decor lights; Ace Plumbing, 1132 Longstaff. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 25 off on all guitars, banjos, mandolins and accessories; Bitterroot Music, 200 S.3rdW., 728-1957. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS 15 discount on all travel trailer, camper and boating accessories, trailer jacks, campground directories, magazine and spice racks, pie Irons, camp-stoves, Intercoms, mirrors, fire extinguishers, boat ladders, boat fenders, compasses, horns, electric winches, speedometers, life lackets, floatation coats, ski mirrors, windshield wipers, etc. SAVE 15 On any 1973 Prowler, Intruder or Ideal trailer, Hydro Swift boat or Johnson snowmobile purchased or on a firm order with deposit. Above discounts effective through December 31.

BRETZ TRAILER SALES 1023 Kensington, 543-5721 HAROLD Houtchens, Brooks St. Lockers. Locker beef, locker pork, custom cutting, fish smoking; 543-5280. PERMANENT hair removal for men and women, 2 registered Electrologists; Nordberg's, 543-8863, CHRISTMAS trees, fireplace wood, fruit and shade trees, evergreens, fencing, kennels; 542-2544, Marchle Nursery. T.V.

REPAIR, tuners, chassis, color set-up, picture tubes Installed, color, bw; AbleT.V., 273-6063 or 543-6808. NEW NECCHI sewing machine, full-size, no attachments to buy to slg-zag, buttonhole, monogram, $57 full price, terms; Red Barn Furniture, 728-1980, 102 Mullen Road. STEREO AM-FM radio, b.s.r. turn table, twin speakers, all lacks, slightly damaged, $58, terms; Red Barn Furniture, 728-1980, 102Mullan Road. CHILD'S size 12 snowmobile suit, excellent condition; 542-2492, after 5 p.m.

EXPERT bicycle repair, all makes; Western Auto, Holiday Village. GREENIE'S Appliance Center: We buy and sell anything in appliances, reconditioned, guaranteed; 549-2511, 2920 Reserve, 1 blk N. Reserve St. Bldrs. USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES RANGITSCH HWY.

10W. FOR recreation rooms for Christmas: Juke boxes? Pool tables? Foosballs? 543-7771, Distributing for prices. 23" Black and white TV, $35, runs good; 549-7397. MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBER 542-0351 2324 Regent VIEWPROPERTY with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, lamily room, den or possible 4th bedroom, carpeted Nice covered patio, electronic air filtering system Double garage $27,250 SPLIT SHAKE ROOF makes this a truely attractive home, 3 bedrooms, I1 1 baths, large lamily room, fireplace, dishwasher, carpeting and drapes, cyclone fence, city view. $31,000 1440 SQUARE FEET of spacious living in this carpeted home with 3 large bedrooms, formal dining, large living room with fireplace, lamily room, bedroom and bath down.

Double garage, lots of shrubs, $29,000, owner says make an otter. Arnold Holt 549-0033 Tom Frangos 728-2399 Art Ridley 543-5845 FOSS Your Independent Realtor 501 Brooks, 549-4137 ONE BLOCK FROM SCHOOL Two-bedroom home on corner lot with single garage, new roof, and includes range and refrigerator. $15,000 00 JUST REDECORATED Three-bedroom home in Lewis and Clark area with new carpet and drapes, attached garage, fenced yard, covered patio and available now. Only $18,500 00. HALF ACRE OF GROUND Three-bedroom home with a full basem*nt, fenced yard, patio and new carpet in the C.

S. Porter area with a loan you can assume. $24,000.00 RayL. Ingalls 549-5433 Loyd J.Moran 1-777-3052 Bill Purviance 549-1716 3030 HIGHWAY 93 SOUTH 10 ACRES all hay ground and irrigated, beautiful view of the Bitterroot Valley Exceptional terms. 5 ACRES all fenced, steel posts, elec.

In, also phone service, year around creek, all this in the Bitterroot Valley and only 25 min. from Missoula. 10 ACRES Mill Creek, good hay and pasture, year around creek, good terms. 16-UNIT solid brick apt. house, no vacancys, nicely located and only 5 years old this is a good one.

4-UNIT rental CHOICE location and less than five years old. ONE of Missoula's best co*cktail lounges, steady clientel and priced right. CONTACT DON H. HALL, BROKER Office 728-3005 Home 543-4804 Beryl Podoll 543-8947 Jerry Maclay 549-1148 Jim MacDonald 549-6655 Don Schwennesen 728-1555 LAY REALTY 343 W. Front EVERYTHING 4 levels of gracious living space, family room with fireplace; 3 bedrooms plus a den, bath and 3A, covered patio with barbecue, under priced at $31,500.

543-4002 Home, 549-0605 63 Out-of-Town Property TWO TERRIFIC BUYS LUXURIOUS country living, close to town. Mail route, country roads, school bus, acreage, outstanding view of the beautiful Bitterroot Valley. SPLIT LEVEL 5-bedroom, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, family recreation room. 3100 sq. acres.

RANCH STYLE 4-bedroom, 2 baths, see-through fireplace, 2000 sq. double garage and workshop. 10 acres prime land. ALSO see us for new homes In Ste-vensville, 3 bedrooms, 1-car garage, soon ready for occupancy. $100 down is all you need.

Do you want to sell? We have buyers. Call us todayl PETERSON REAL ESTATE Stevensvitle, Montana 1-777-3231, 1-777-5713 1-777-5731 64 Mobile, Modular Homes SAVE-ON MOBILE HOMES Columbia, Barrington, Gentry Call 728-2200. See at Hlway 10 Msla. I 10000000001 109 Building Material SPECIAL wood cross-buck combination storm doors, $41.99 each. BOYCE LUMBE 415 Knowles, 543-3798.

3x6 and 3x12 rough fir available now at WRIGHT LUMBER Highway 10 549-5196. LIGHT FIXTURES 30 Below Retail RICE'SDISCOUNT ELECTRIC 1003 W. Central 543-6661 HANDSPLIT cedar shakes; Cedar Shakes of Missoula, 543-3054, 543-7795. 1 10 Sporting Goods BONNA model 2400 XC skis, with til-vretta bindings; Bass men's XC ski boots, size 11; 549-2121, after 6:30 p.m. 3 JET powered surf skimmer boats, sell or trade for snowcat, $1,600 value; 549-2581, 421 S.4thW.

Hart Hornet metal skils, 160 with Cubco Junior bindings; 549-7793. HENKE ski boots, ladies t'-'i good condition; ladies ski stretch pants, new, Size 10; 543-3508. 5 PAI used skis, 200-215 cm; 542-2747 HEAD skis 188 cm, Solomon bindings; Nordlca boots, slze9; 549-2102. SCHWINN 10-speed bike, 535 543-6766, after 5 p.m. GUNSMITHING, guaranteed, Pacific tools, and shooters supplies, Ruana knives; CARL MAU GUNSHOP, 743 Minnesota, East Missoula, 542-2790.

0000000000000001 1 15 Pets, Supplies 100000000000000! THE House of Muchmore, all breed dog grooming; 549-6221. AKC registered Irish Setter puppies from Santa; 543-4764, before 1 or after 4. GIVE a Saint for Christmas 2 St. Bernard pups left; Duran Courchene, Arlee, MT. IN time for Christmas, darling puppies -i2 yellow Lab; 273-6161.

PROFESSIONAL dog grooming, $6.50 to 543-6204. CHRISTMAS puppies, AKC long haired Doxies, champion sired, will hold; 1-443-2666. APRICOT male poodle, has all shots, $50; 549-8466, before 3. GREAT DANE PUPS 8 WEEKS OLD 543-8611 BEAUTIFUL housebroken kittens, Himalayan-Siamese cross; 273-6509. AKC registered apricot toy Poodles, 8 weeks old, 1-363-2749 Hamilton.

AT stud AKC white toy show Poodle; 543-7746. TO give away: spayed Collie, 1 year old, would like country home and children; 549-3003, after 5. AKC registered platinum silver poodle pup, has shots, will hold for Christmas; 549-3821. PUREBRED Siamese kittens, perfect lovable Christmas presents; 728-2468. HUMANE SOCIETY 7 Days A Week- 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

PUREBREDS: German Shorthair, trained hunter; Fox Terrier, with papers; Blue Heeler. CROSSES: St. Bernard; Malamute; German Shepherd; Beagle, geat children's dog; Elk Hound; Lab; Airdale; Australian Shepherd. PUP CROSSES: Beagles, lot of German Shepherds, Doxle, Labs, Terriers. CATS: Long-haired, neutered tortoise; Lynx Point; gray and white.

TEENAGERS: Russian Blue, white, long-haired Lynx Point. 549-3934 REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN Shepherd puppies; 542-2595. rairway Shopping Center or Clinton areas. Call Garden City Realty, 728-3005. Want 3-bedroom house, would take 2-bedroom with full basem*nt.

Washington school district; reply to Box 687-D, TheMissoullan. WANT TO BUY from owner only, fairly new duplex or 116 unit apartment building; 543-8758 000000000000001 69 Real Estate Exchanges EXCHANGE your problem property Call Trail Realty, 549-6161 LANDWANTED Timber land any size must have access any reasonable price considered- ready to buy now. Send info, to Jim McMullen, N. 409 Dyer Spo Kane, Wash. 99206.

7 LOTS 4 trailers -t- 5 hook-ups 3-bedroom house. BAR Lower Blackfoot, a real thriving business plus a new and beautiful 5-bedroom home plus small guest house. Better hurry on this one; Bill Bush Realty, 728-2836. TRIXI'S Antler Saloon, everybody knows Trixi's. Bar, cafe, cabins, 3 acres for expansion.

Sky the limit on potential. Terms unbeatable. Must call Bill Bush for showing. BAR and cafe, base of King's Hill, own your own business and enjoy Montana's tinest hunting, fishing, and skiing, $55-000, with good terms; Bill Bush Realty, 728-2836. 80 Business Opportunities 0000000000000000 INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST THE MISSOULIAN makes every effort to investigate and reject fraudulent or misleading advertising.

Any misrepresentations should be reported promptly to the Classified Advertising Manager. READERS are urged to thoroughly Investigate any investment offer and to check with your lawyer before paying out any money or signing a contract. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! HOME WITH INCOME over 1 acre of trees, 5 trailer spaces always rented, room for 2 or 3 more. 3-bedroom full basem*nt home In excellent condition. This place Is situated in a very fine area.

Present owner is moving out of town. Better call to see this nowl Priced at $36,500. Lambros Realty, call Bill Barba at 543-6663 or 543-5313. OWNER-OPERATORS: tractors only or tractors with 40' flatbed semi trailer. 1 year lease effective Jan.

2, 1973 renewable. Need 2 more units from Missoula area, hauling bldg. materials. Call personnel WATTS No. 1-(800)-332-5967.

JUNE'S Pasty Business, established throughout Southwest Montana; for further information write June's Pasty Shop, 403 E. Park, Anaconda, MT. WANT to buy business in Missoula area; Box 692-D, The Mlssoulian. TEXACO STATION FOR LEASE IN MISSOULA, MONTANA Excellent location with good potential. Great opportunity for a qualified man to secure a Texaco retail business with a minimum investment.

Paid training and merchandising assistance. For more information call 543-3600 or 549-5761, or write P.O. Box 1286, Missoula, Montana 59801. AMBITIOUS OPERATOR MUST BE LEGALLY BLINDOR Visually Handicapped For Post Office News Stand in Missoula Post Oftlce. Will be set up with operating stock.

No capital required. Excellent opportunity to operate your own business. Write to C. E. Houtchens, P.O.

Box 1723, Helena, MT 59601. RESTAURANT Opportunity to have your own business with minimum investment. Located In excellent growing area. Business and equipment Included In the asking price of $28,500.00. Easy terms available to qualified buyer.

For more Information on this top business opportunity, call Bob Johnson, Home Realty, 728-l914or 728-3600. 2 GROCERY stores; good motel; large warehouse; 3 bars; 2 buildings on West Broadway; commercial land on Hwy. 93 South, Hwy 10 West; various building sites; trailer park or motel sites. Businesses, large and small. Apartments, houses and motels.

We have a good selection. SECURITY Agency, Inc. 549-2323 82 Money to Loan 000000000000000 WE BUY REAL ESTATE ESCROWS 8, CONTRACTS. C. K.

BENSON, 543-3255, P.O. Box 693, MSLA. 00m00m0000000000, 90 Health Rentals, Supplies 00000000000000001 SICK-room supplies; 1440 W. Broadway, 543-8247, Health Aid Pharmacy. 91 Furniture NORTH AVENUE REFINISHING Furniture stripping, Ml NWAX wood finish supplies; 542-0271, 1910 N.

Ave. W. 0000000000000000t 92 Musical Merchandise 0000000T0000000000 COLOR TV, 100 solid state, factory direct to you. Save with the people who know quality best, Electronic Parts 1030 S. Ave.

W. across from the Fairgrounds. BALDWIN piano, excellent condition; also new Eplphone electric guitar; 549-2121, after SUN Concert lead amp, four 12" speakers. See at Bitterroot Music. PEARL drum set, base, snare and tomtom, with Zildllan cymbals, $200; 543-5229.

10000000000000001 92 Musical Merchandise 000000000000000 DRUM SET, pearl president flberlgas, 4 drums, cymbal, high haf stand, $200; 543-4522. PREMIER drum set, good condition, and cymbals, make offer; 401 Brooks, 549-5343. 0000000m00000000t 93 Antiques ELEGANT early Fostoria punch bowl, 38 cups, and silver ladle; Birdsye dresser and highboy; Queen Anne dining room set, china closet; 118 Woodford. PONDEROSA ANTIQUES, Smiles west of Lolo on Hwy. 12.

Furniture and glass. Bob and Betty Walker 273-6371 BUYWITH CLASSIFIED I95 MARLETTE in good condition, 10x55 with tipout living room. Fully furnished, low priced. Call Mobile Homes. 549-4355, Highway 10, West of the Airport.

1970 KIRKWOOD, 12x60, 3 bdrms stove and set up In Missoula, neke an otter, must sell; write Bertelsen's. Box 93, Ovando, or call 1-793-6100 Cash for Used Trailers RANGITSCH BROS. Horuon Mobile Homes 2000 W. Braodway Kit, Monfrose, Klrkwood Shelby 1 Belmont New and Used KUliNnuirnin conhan v. 1972 WICKCRAFT 2-bedroom, air conditioned, fully skirted, completely winterized, in excellent condition, lived in for only 4 months.

$800 equity and take over payments of $1 13 per month, 549-9729 for appointment. 8x20 MOBILE home addition, completely finished inside and out, wood paneled, separate wiring and heating systems, see to appreciate: 549 0954 RON MOBILE HOMES YOUR WHEEL ESTATE DEALER HAMILTON, MT DIAL 363-3744 John Sfieglers MOBILE HOME SHOW SALES At the CANDY STRIPED POLES on Highway 10 West, 728-1207, will be CLOSED SUNDAYS until alter the first of the year enabling our servicemen, salesmen and you, to spend the coming hoi iday Sundays together. 12x51 MAGNOLIA, take over payments, 728-9068 Schiff 's Shoe Store, 549-7259. AUTHORIZED Coleman service center, air conditioning, roof-mounted air coolers, furnaces, Schaffer's Mobile Home Service, Highway 10 West, 549-4661. 12x60 TRAILER, 3-bdrm.

furnished, fireplace and air 1-823-5713. WE'RE OPEN NOW to serve you with our best quality and service! FUTURE HOUSING MOBILE HOMES SALES CENTER! 543-7139, 2300 W. Broadway, 8 a.m. -8 p.m. 1965 CONTINENTAL trailer, 12x68, with 2 rooms built on, washer, dryer and freezer included, George De-wald, 1-823-5601.

65 Income Prope TRI-PLEX, plus beauty shop, corner location, $36,000. DUPLEX, large 2-bedroom units, with fireplace and garage, approximately V3-acre, corner location, $38,000. TWO 4-plexes, naarly new, all furnished, $71,500. Schatz Realty, P.O. Box 1057, Missoula 543-3554 INVEST IN A WELL-BUILT FOUR-PLEX.

Two bedroom units, hot'water heat. Priced at $51,000.00. Call A. P. Hol-linger, Home Realty, 728-3600 or 543-6144.

SIX-PLEX IN UNIVERSITYAREA.AII units furnished. Building includes coin-operated laundry facilities. Good cash flow for the income propery Investor. Contact Mike Byrne at Home Realty, 549-8285 or 728-3600. 000000000000000 66 Commercial Property WWWJMM1 LAMBROS REALTY METAL FABRICATING PLANT -Billings, Montana.

Good location and good volume. $200,000. 28 UNIT MOTEL. WITHIN ONE HOUR DRIVE OF DISNEY WORLD, FLORIDA. Excellent location, nice grounds.

Howard Johnson restaurant on premises, leased out. If you are thinking of a Florida retirement, this might be the place for you. $450,000. 16 UNIT apartment complex. Good location.

All rented. Some terms to right principals. DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT COMMERCIAL BUILDING. A best buy. Fully tenanted.

Excellent cash flow. Complete financial details available to qualified buyer. 16 UNIT MOTEL. Local. Good location and occupancy.

SMALL DRYCLEANING PLANT. Reasonably priced. Needs a good promoter. BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL LISTING WANTED. We are in constant contact with both local and out of state investors.

If you have a business or commercial property you would like to sell, please let us know. CONTACT HURLY CAREY, 543-6663 or 543-8095 (mobile), LAMBROS REALTY. 0000000000000001 70-b Horses, Supplies HAYNES 2-horse custom deluxe trailer; Haynes 15' stock trailer, sliding chute gate, side escape door; both with electric brakes and controller; 549-4448. NEW 16 ft. factory four-horse trailer, will sell at dealer's cost, regular $1995, cost $1450; see at Mobile Home Show and Sales, Highway 10 West.

00000000000000, 70-c livestock 0100000000000000 LIVESTOCK hauling up to 5,000 lbs. per load; 728-9534. LARGE dairy cows and heifers for sale; 543-3454. 2 TOP quality Limousin bull calves; George Gallagher, 1-644-2390. BREO Heifers, Hereford, Angus, and black whlteface; 1-644-2555.

WANT to buy Slmmental bred or open heifers; 1-883-4133. 250 SUFFOLK EWES Fairfield, 1-467-2946 00000000000000000 70-h Supplies, Equipment 000000000001 SAVE SAVE SAVE We have Crawler Tractors in all sizes. Farm Machinery, Loaders and Trucks. HOLMS EQUIPMENT COMPANY Highway 10 West, Missoula, Ph. 543-8332 Owners: Archie Holms 8.

Arthur Argo NEW Satoh tractor with front end loader and back blade, 25 h.p plus 3poi it hitch, retail price $3,350, today $2,695, also 2 wheel utility trailer, $47; Al's Sales, 549-0822, V9-0605 old. Priced to sell at $28,000.00. Call Hugh Morris, 549-5987 or 728-3600. STILL TIME to move in and spend Christmas in this lovely, new four-bedroom, daylight basem*nt home. Quality built throughout, two baths, two fireplaces, family room and large double garage.

Fully carpeted with built-in appliances. Situated on a quiet dead-end street. Excellent loan to assume or trade-In considered. Priced at $33,900.00. Inspect anytime by calling Bob Johnson, 728-1914 or 728-3600.

RATTLESNAKE deluxe, four-bedroom home in Rattlesnake area is loaded with extras. Has two tire-places, three baths, two-car garage and superior quality throughout. A tremendous buy In a lovely area. Priced under $40,000.00. For Information, call Bill Coffee, 728-3600 or 549-5452.

OLAMBROS REALTY EZJ 543-6663 MARKET UP Classified Advertising "The Market Place of the People!" GET IT WHILE YOU CAN when spring breaks it will be sold. 9.2 acres; beam ceilings in this large living room. Huge kitchen and eating area with self-cleaning oven, formal dining room, three bedrooms, 1 V2 baths, Beautiful fireplace, double garage. Stock pond with small stream running through. Priced at only $49,900, For appointment to see, call Don Round at 543-6663, car 543-8019 or 273-6665.

AS CUTE AS THEY COME! Come foil in love with this tastefully decorated 2-bedroom, located in East Missoula. Carpeted throughout, and wails have embossed wail paper and paneiing. New kitchen cabinets, range and carport. Storage basem*nt and big yard. Much to otter for 1 4.250.

Call Hazel Brann 543-6663 or 543-8054. DISTINC ITVE TRI-LEVEL DESIGNED HOME that features an interesting interior geometry and use of harmonized textures. What does that mean? It means your family won't get bored with this house. 3 bedrooms, double garage, 3 baths, family room with fireplace and wet bar. Almost 1800 feet of living space on 12 acre.

Call Rich Atkinson, 728 1 170 or 543-6663. OVER 1900 FEET OF LIVING SPACE in this tri-level home in the Orchard Homes area. Located on a dead-end street, this lovely 3-bedroom home has 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, family room, double garage and a large lot with sprinklers and fencing. Formal dining room plus breakfast table in the kitchen. Call Rich Atkinson, 728-11 70 or 543-6663.

See 3-bedroom home ad under Business Opportunity. Bill Barba. WEST RATTLESNAKE LOCATION. Five bedrooms, two baths, two fireplaces, formal dining room, family room, large lot, 2-car carport, patio. 2806 Highland Drive.

532,000. Call Bob Fletcher, 543-6663 or 549-7235 WEST RATTLESNAKE LOCATION on a quiet street with a beautiful view. This home is excellent for the growing family. There are three bedrooms up and two down with a bath on each floor. There is a family room, formal dining room and an inviting cozy breakfast area off the handy kitchen.

You'll like the central entry open stairway and the great amount of storage room. Coll Everette or Lois Shulund 543-6663 or 543-7976. REASONABLE, NEW AND AVAILABLE. This split-entry home has three bedrooms up plus two baths, a handy kitchen, a dining room with patio doors to the deck and a 17' living room with fireplace. The lower level is well-planned and unfinished so you can do if the way you like.

You'll like the location just one block from grade school. Call Everette or Lois Shulund, 543-6663 or 543-7976. MOVING TO MISSOULA? If you are anticipating such a move, your time will be valuable and you won't want to waste a minute of it. LET ME HELP YOU SAVE TIME. Contact me in advance and I can familiarize you with the properties in the price range and size for your family and budget.

I will schedule my time to coincide. Our facilities and everything in multiple listing will be available to you. Write me today, HURLY CAREY, Lambros Really, 1001 South Hig gins, Missoula, Montana 59801. LAMBROS REALTY 1001 South Higgins Multiple Listing Realtor 70-a Farms, Ranches World's Largest Highway lOWest- 549-3781 1 OLAMBROS REALTY LAND DEPARTMENT 1001 S. Higgins, 543-6663 "COME TO WHERE THE LIVING IS" HANK DESCHENES-549-4549 Mobile phone, 543-8125 lome Home Realty's ranch land department needs confidential listings for out of state ranch buyers nothing too large.

Also, we currently have a vast selection of operating cattle ranches 200 to 500 animal units. Chuck stelling, or call 728-3600 or 549-1804 tor further information. TO LEASE 140 acres. Irrigated. 3-bedroom home, corrals, barn and loading chute, $4,000 per year In advance; 542-0420.

0000000000000001 70-b Horses, Supplies 00000000000001 1969 TANDEM axle 2-horse trailer, exc reasonable, call after 5 543-7351 BUCKSKIN mare Quarterhorse, 5 years Old; 543-7853. Keauu Use This Handy Ad Order Blank OR PHONE 542-0311 iyr. Classification No. ADDRESS: ad Date: CITY PHONE: RUN DAYS Please Print Using One Space for Each Word, Number or Initial. Address, phone and box numbers are charged as part of the advertisem*nt.

Ads using larger than the normal 6 pt. type will be charged for each extra line of space used..

The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.